September 8, 2024

Former Gambian President Sir Dawda Laid to Rest at Parliament Premises


Sir Dawda Kairaba laid to rest

Originally published by MAMOS TV

By Ousman A. Marong

The first and former president of the Republic of The Gambia, Alhagie Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara has on Thursday, August 29, 2019 been accorded a state funeral and laid to rest at the country’s National Assembly premises in Banjul.

Sir Dawda who was ousted out of office in July 1994 by soldiers in a military coup led by former president Yahya Jammeh died on Tuesday at his home in Fajara at age 95 following brief illness.

The funeral service and burial of the former elderly statesman attracted thousands of people including the President of The Gambia, Adama Barrow, state functionaries, diplomats, family, friends, admirers and other dignitaries from both The Gambia and abroad.

The ceremony that marked the paying of the last respect to Kairaba witnessed the pouring of eulogies from people of different walks of life, especially acquaintances who worked with during his days as head of state.

The waving and crying of his abbreviated affectionate D.K. could be heard pulsating in the air as the Army carried his coffin from the National Assembly building to King Fahad Mosque to observe the Muslim funeral ritual.

The former First Lady Chilel Njie at gave her last kiss to her husband at the Assembly chamber before burial and gun salute of 21 shots in memory of the former president was also observed.

Former First Lady Chilel Njie giving her last kiss to her husband

Jawara, man of absolute character Omar Amadou Jallow alias O.J Jallow, former Minister for Agriculture in the Jawara administration described the former head of stat as a man of absolute character and peace.

He extoled Sir Dawda for the leading role he played in the emancipation of The Gambia from British colonial rule.

Omar Amadou Jallow, Jawara former Minister of Agriculture

One of the former president’s most loyal ministers was addressing thousands of people at the country’s National Assembly during prior to the burial.

Jallow said Jawara’s achievements and humility were one of the most successful values that Gambians will cherish and would never forget.

“It was through his belief and the respect for the rule of law and dignity for Human and People’s Rights, he had taught Gambians to be independent. Sir Dawda had always put the interest of his people first before anything and had ruled the country with even distribution of equality to all.” he remarked.

He said during Sir Dawda’s 29 years of ruling no Gambian youth had ever embark on the perilous journey dubbed “back-way” to go and die with the intention of crossing the Mediterranean to search for greener pasture in the West.

He revealed that there was no visa processing between The Gambian and the United Kingdom (UK) during Sir Dawda’s tenure.

“You don’t need a visa to travel to countries like Norway and the UK during Sir Dawda’s tenure,” said O.J.

He said Sir Dawda never tolerated sectionalism, adding that in 1975 at Organisation of Africa Unity (OAU) summit in Kampala, Uganda it was through his proposal that the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights was established.

Immortal In his part Sidia Jatta National Assembly for Wuli West and chairman for People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) who contested the 1992 presidential election against Sir Dawda said that Sir Dawda Kairaba is immortal.

Sidia Jatta, Nationl Assembly Member for Wuli West

He described him as a democrat and a consistent man who have been effectively serving his country even before coming into politics.

“There are those among us who are mortals but there are also those who are immortals,” Sidia Jatta said, The veteran politician stated that the mortals are the ones who live like animals whilst the immortals leave footprints on good legacies.

He advised that unless we are one people and accept the fact that we are, developing this small country would be a problem. Respecter of human rights Chief Justice Hassan B. Jallow, the Chief Justice of the Gambia informed the gathering that he had worked under Sir Dawda for a period of ten years and during his service he witnessed strongly stance for Gambian people as respecter of human rights.

Hassan B. Jallow, Chief Justice of The Gambia

“Sir Dawda believed that development is a comprehensive concept and respected the law immensely,” said the Gambian legal luminary.

He said Sir Dawda and his government injected the teachings of democratic and good governance in the country during his time.

He stated that the former president gave abundant space to political pluralism and freedom of assembly and association.

“He taught Gambians how to live together and believed that development is a comprehensive process,” he said.

Selfless sacrifice Dawda Jawara Jnr, son of the late former President praised his father, ascribing his tireless efforts to progress of Gambians as selfless sacrifice.

“My father taught us that there is no shortcut in life,” said Dawda Jawara Jnr.

Dawda Kairaba Jawara Junior

He stated that his father had led The Gambia and Gambians in the most dignified and humbled way. “My father although had his political opponents, but they both played significant role in the development of the nation. My father faces many challenges and crises in both public and private life but continued to treat Gambians equal;” he explained.

Mariam Jack-Denton, Speaker of the National Assembly also honoured the late former President for his selfless duties to the Gambian people.

Mariam Jack-Denton, Speaker National Assembly

Dr. Lamin J. Marena the late former president Jawara’s childhood friend described him as champion of democracy and human right.

“Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara did not enrich himself at the expenses of the state;” he noted.

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