October 22, 2024

Journalist Pa Nderry M’bai of Freedom Newspaper passes away



The founder and proprietor of the renowned Freedom Newspaper and Freedom Radio online has passed away on November 22, 2021, in Raleigh, North Caroline, United States of America in his late 40s.

Pa who hailed from Touba Mouride, Niamina in the Central River Region (CRR) of The Gambia commenced his journalism career as a freelance journalist at Gambia’s first quotidian Daily Observer in the 90s.

While writing for Daily Observer, he also worked as a security guard at the Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) now Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) he broke stories on some anomalies in the health facilities under the pen name CD M’bai Mbassu.

He later moved to The Point newspaper under the late Deyda Hydara and the current head of the paper Pap Saine.

It was an open secret that M’bai was endeared by Deyda for his courage and inquisitiveness. He afflicted the confortable in society – gave a lot of them sleepless nights.

He was the Gambian correspondent for the Voice of America when he was working at The Point.

Up to the time he moved to the United States of America in 2004 Pa was an executive member of Gambia Press Union (GPU).

In the US, he continued to critically hold the government of former president Yahya Jammeh by making posting on different online platforms even before establishing Freedom Newspaper/Radio.

He continued to do his job after the defeat of former Yahya Jammeh in the 2016 presidential election till his death.

Tributes have been pouring from all over from Gambia and abroad to celebrate and mourn the journalist.

Tributes by journalists
The board and staff of the Gambia Press Union (GPU) in their tribute extend heartfelt condolences to the entire Gambia media fraternity on the demise of journalist Pa Ndery Mbai.

GPU President, Mr. Muhammed S Bah said Mr Mbai will be remembered for his braveness and consistency in shining light on the ills of the government and government functionaries.

“Despite the threat on his life and harassment of his family in The Gambia, Pa was consistent in exposing malpractices and giving people access to information that was kept away from the public,” Mr Bah said.

GPU said the entire Gambian media join the Mbai family in The Gambia and USA mourning this untimely death of a dear colleague, brother and friend.

Mr. Pa Ousman Darboe of Kibaro News and a former school mate of M’bai expressed his profound grief about the demise of the celebrated journalist.

“I knew Pa since 1988 when we were both in Pakalinding Secondary School and then worked together at the Daily Observer.”

He described Pa as a good husband, father and had contributed immensely to informing Gambians about issues in The Gambia for which he will be missed by all..

On his part the co-founder of The Independent, Algi Yorro Jallow described Pa Nderry’s death as a loss of a great voice by The Gambia.

“Unfortunately, we will not be getting another investigative and political journalist like Pa Nderry M’bai, Freedom radio, and newspaper proprietor.”

Mr. Alagie Yorro who celebrates M’bai said  the journalist revolutionized internet radio broadcasting in the Gambia Diaspora community.

He said Pa was no politician. He added: “He was no wealthy man. He was no king or prince. He was no pop culture celebrity. He was only a journalist and a social critic who railed against incompetence and malfeasance in government and who fired our collective imagination about our unrealized but realizable potential as a nation. However, he was mourned—and is still being mourned—by an unbelievably vast swath of humanity.”

Jallow said no one is talking about M’bai’s possessions, but all tongues and fingers toast his humanity, his unpretentious anger, and angst at his country’s refusal to be of good behavior.

“The people’s focus has remarkably been on the fecund mind and heart and brain his maker endowed him with. His writings and talks hoist him as a loyalist of untainted truth, patriotism, courage and consistency, and honest living,” Jallow said.

According to Alagie Yorro Jallow, in many ways, Pa Nderyy reminds us all of the intrinsic impermanence of our very humanity and the imperative to always be self-conscious of our mortality.

“In many discussions with friends, Pa Nderry often said he had a foreboding that he would not live long enough to see his daughters grow to adulthood. That was why he lived every day as if it was his last. However, he always knew and said that tomorrow is not guaranteed. That was why he always stood on the side of truth, justice, and fair play.”

Alagie praised Pa Nderry M’bai’s commitment to these ideals that earned him universal admiration and why we have a hard time accepting that he is physically gone from us for good.

He said the demised journalist lives in the hundreds of thousands of lives he inspired and in the ideals he passionately espoused.

Dr. Omar Bah, former journalist at The Independent and co-founder of America Street News online in morning his friend said he fought, confided with and struggle together with Pa Nderry.

He said their care for one another was mutual, describing Pa as a true legend who stood tall in his fought for The Gambia, a true journalist who cannot be used for any agenda.

“I have known him for over 20 years. I remember his brave coverage of the Commission of Inquiry of April 10, 2000; his lead stories at the Daily Observer, The Point, and his regular reporting for the Voice of America.He was everywhere – from the Gambia Post, AllGambia, and later launching the stature-status medium of Freedom Newspaper/Freedom Radio. He gave all to The Gambia. A true national hero and legend has fallen,” said Dr. Bah.

All prayed for his soul to rest in peace and asked Allah grants him the highest abode in paradise.







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