Mighty Joe releases new song following protests


Mighty Joe Gambian Reggae artist sings about police brutality and vandalism by youth


Gambian reggae artist, Muhammed Lamin Saidykhan commonly known as Mighty Joe has released a new song titled “Police We’re not Your Enemies” intended to address the issues of police brutality and vandalism by youth during protests where some young people were arrested and several wounded.

He said the security personnel should handle the civilian with respect and the civilian should also take the security as representatives of the law.

On July 24, 2019 youth at Serrekunda market took to the streets following the death of their colleague, Ousman Darboe who was allegedly tortured by officers of the Anti-Crime Unit (ACU).

Another protest was held on the same day at Brikama when group of residents named #CccupyBAC protested against Brikama Area Council for what they termed as the ineptness of the council in service delivery.

There were also vandalism and looting during the Serekunda protest.

The house of Gorgi Mboob was attacked and set ablaze.

Bakoteh Police Station was attacked and materials destroyed.

The traffic was blocked with tires burnt on the streets.

Joe’s 2 minutes 28 seconds song was released on July 25, 2019, just a day after the two protests in Brikama and Serrekunda respectively.

“Bad governance, bad leadership this is alarming,” he sang in a spectacular voice.

He said youth are brothers and sisters to police; that there is no need for violence between them.

He said the song is meant to educate the people about their legal rights and to enhance brotherhood.

He pointed out that the way police mishandle people was wrong, condemning the violent acts of the youth too.

Speaking to The Monitor in an exclusive interview, Mighty Joe said he believes the song will calm the situation as it carries a message for both the youth and police to consider their position.

He expressed his frustration about the alleged torture and death of Ousman Darboe and the attack on the house of the ACU commander.

He called on people not to take the laws into their own hands.

He said burning tires and vandalizing properties are not the solution to the problem rather to pursue things through legal way for the law to take its course.

“I think we need to get over that now as Gambia is a democratic state,” saying that arbitrary arrests and beatings should not be done.

He said police have their rights as well as the civilians, but each should know where to stop.

“The beatings should be out of it totally,” the rising reggae star stressed.

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